High Achievers' Program

“A highly sought after program that enables students to expand their minds in creative and innovative ways ensuring students’ engagement and academic acceleration.”

At Berwick College we strive to cater for all students within our vibrant learning community. Students who show high academic aptitude and have high academic aspirations are particularly suited to our High Achievers’ Program.

Established in 2003, this program has been running successfully for 18 years and allows students to progress through school with their peers, whilst ensuring they remain challenged by curriculum and thinking styles which are appropriate to their abilities.

The High Achievers’ Program is an enrichment program designed to foster 21st Century learners, with a focus on inquiry-based learning, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. We are focused on preparing our students for future learning and to become positive contributors to their community as adults. Our high achieving students follow the Victorian Curriculum guidelines, however work presented is more intellectually challenging, allowing teachers to assess each student’s current learning level and learning needs to provide a learning program appropriate to the development of each child.  The curriculum and learning in the program is consistently reviewed against new educational theories and resources, with regular improvements and developments to the program ensuring we provide for the best interests of the students.

A ‘high achiever’ must be prepared to take on the challenges offered, be willing to take risks and to set more challenging goals.  Students in the program strive to meet our academic targets for their core subjects, while teachers focus on ways that a growth mindset can be adopted to ensure a successful range of learning opportunities.  Behaviour and effort in the classroom are also at the forefront of our expectations for our students, allowing an environment where learning can be fostered and student growth can be measured and celebrated.

Emphasis is placed on higher level thinking, problem solving and academic achievement. Involvement in the performing arts and other extra-curricular activities are also key features of this program.  The students in our program are also involved in academic competitions in the areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Information Technology and Geography.  We run inquiry excursions and programs for our students, with different foci for the different year levels.  We also provide learning and pastoral care support through our provision of programs on study skills, goal setting, motivation and revision strategies.

The development and modelling of team work are critical in this program, and students must also have full parental support in order to pursue further independent learning at home.


The leaders of the High Achievers’ Program have been reviewing and redeveloping the program over the last year.  The improvements in both the curricular and extra-curricular programs are all underpinned by the ‘The HAP Learner’ profile, which highlights the skills we foster within the program.


Why my learning has benefited from being part of the High Achievers’ program: Since I started high school, the high achievers’ learning structure has changed me as a student in many positive ways. It became a place where I am tested on my ability to work, learn independently and think creatively. There are always moments where I would think of a brand new idea for a project and as always, couldn’t wait to carry out the idea and make it come alive. In class, I know a group of people who think just like me. We have deep discussions on learning topics and most importantly, we learn from each other. Every single one of us are constantly helping each other to extend ourselves and strive to do our best. Now every time I walk into a classroom, I’m prepared to challenge myself.


High Achievers’ Program Leader
(03) 8768 1000